Young Readers Programme

7th March 2025
We are very excited that this year Year 2 and 3 are taking part in the National Literacy Trust's 'Young Readers Programme'. The Young Readers Programme is designed to develop a love of reading in children through fun reading for pleasure events. The children will take part in three events across the Spring and Summer terms and at each event will be given a beautiful new book to keep. We held our first reading event during World Book Day. The children had a special story time and enjoyed the book 'The Disgusting Sandwich' by Gareth Edwards. We then spoke to the children about how to choose a book by carefully looking at the front cover, reading the blurb and thinking about other books they like to read. After this, the children had some time to browse the gorgeous new books on offer with lots of staff there to help and then choose one to keep. It was a lovely session!