Medical Needs

We will ensure that we support your child with their medical needs and rely on parents and carers to keep us up to date with any changes over time.  We will ask you to complete an 'Individual Healthcare Plan' form when your child joins the school if you indicate that they have a medical condition.  We will enter this information into Medical Tracker to help us manage the tracking of medical needs, medication and first aid.  We will regularly ask parents and carers to check the information held.

Whilst your child is in school, school staff have 'loco parentis' responsibility for the welfare of children during school time but the administering of prescribed medicines at prescribed times falls outside those responsibilities.  Most medicines can be taken outside the school day. If this isn't possible, parents or carers may come into school themselves to give children the prescribed dose.  Medication must not be given to class teachers or brought into school by the child themselves.

In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible for a member of staff to administer medicines. For this to be requested, parents or carers should add medication details on the 'Individual Healthcare Plan'. Medicine will not be administered without permission from a parent or carer.

Medicines must be in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy with clear dosage instructions.  In cases where the administering of medicines requires any judgement from staff, or the medication needs are more complex or time critical, a medical protocol will be required.  Protocols are written by healthcare professionals and clearly instruct staff on the key indicators to consider and the appropriate response.