Frequently asked questions

We have put together a list of the most frequently asked questions. We hope these help.
If there is still something you would like to ask, you are welcome to email in to the school office ( or to Mrs Morris, the Assistant Head (
We are more than happy to help.
How will the two classes be divided?

We spend a great deal of time looking at a number of factors to ensure classes are an equal balance. We try to ensure there is an even mix including birth dates, languages, gender and children with special educational needs in each class. We also take into account feedback from pre-schools and nurseries and use this to create our two balanced classes.


Will my child be in the same class as their friends?

A very common question. As above, we try to create an even mix and using the pre-school and nursery knowledge we try to accommodate friendships where possible. We cannot, however,  guarantee your child will be in class with all of their friends.


How is transition from pre-school managed?

We are in contact with all pre-school settings and will talk with each child’s key worker at great length as well as visiting the children in their current setting. The keyworkers will share your child’s end of year report with us so we are aware of their academic, personal and social levels.

We are also delighted to welcome you and your child to our three 'Stay and Play' sessions. This is a great way to get the children excited about coming to school as we will have lots of fun! If you have any information that will help ease the transition for your child, then please speak to us at the 'Stay and Play' or email Mrs Morris ( You may also wish to use you 'All About Me' to share information that will be helpful for us in getting to know you and your child. 


My child has a medical/special dietary requirement. What do I need to do to?

Please make initial contact with the office ( and inform us of this. Christa Schwarz (in the office) will then forward the information to relevant staff. Our Inclusion Coordinator will also be notified and will deal with the information accordingly. Training will be made available to staff if necessary.


My child needs wraparound care, what is available and how do I book this?

We offer both breakfast club (starting at 8:00am) and an after school club (until 5.30pm). Bookings must be arranged and paid for in advance. Further details can be found on the school website or you can contact  


Someone else is picking up my child from school, what should I do?

You will be asked to fill in a list indicating who you give permission to pick up your child. Any adults on the list can then pick up at the end of the day. If it is someone who isn’t on the list, then please email the school office in advance or ring the school office before the end of the day. Our office staff will  inform the class teacher before the end of the day.


Are school meals free and can I provide a packed lunch?

School meals are free for all Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils. We offer a hot meal daily (meat and vegetarian options available) as well as another option such as a jacket potato or pasta. You may prefer to provide your child with their own healthy packed lunch from home instead (some days or every day), that is absolutely fine.


Should I provide a snack for my child?

Each day, your child will be offered a free piece of fruit/veg. If your child doesn’t like the fruit on offer, you are welcome to send in something they do like (fruit only please). The fruit/veg offered is different every day (eg bananas, apples, tangerines, carrots, sugar snap peas, mini cucumbers etc).


Does my child have to wear uniform?

School uniform is optional. However if you do wish to purchase any items, this can be done via the school website. Jumpers and fleeces are available to order.


 Will my child be given a book bag, water bottle and reading book?

Yes. On their first day at school, your child will receive a free water bottle and a free book bag. Your child will then have the opportunity to take a book home every day. We ask that you read with your child (and record it in their special reading diary) five times a week.


What do I need to provide?

Please send your child to school wearing named clothes, especially items that are regularly removed such as coats and jumpers. Please also send in a spare, named set in case of toilet accidents (including spare underwear and socks). They will also need: a named waterproof with hood, named welly boots and either named waterproof trousers or a named puddle suit for using the forest area. School provides all other equipment so there is no need for items such as pencil cases.


Further questions?

Please email I will be very happy to discuss any further questions or concerns you may have.