What do School Governors do?

Governors are volunteers who support the school by working as a group called the Governing Body. It is the Governing Body’s job to help raise the standards of the school by checking to see if the school’s targets are being met. The Governors have developed a relationship with the head teacher and staff so that we can support them through problems, celebrate achievements and challenge them when we think they could be doing better.
The Governing Body meets once every half-term and minutes are taken by the Clerk. These minutes are available to parents and school staff. Smaller groups of Governors (committees) meet separately to oversee important aspects of the running of the school. These committees report back to the Governing Body.
Governors have links with members of staff responsible for key areas and visit the school from time to time during the day to see the school in action.

Chair of Governors – David Maher

Vice Chair of Governors - Rebecca Brownlie

Chair of the Curriculum Committee – Rebecca Brownlie

Chair of the Resources Committee – Valerie Sills

Chair of the Personnel Committee – Andy Oldroyd