Year 6 Science Image Award (meet the scientist event)

9th November 2021

This week, Year 6 had the pleasure of meeting a real-life scientist on Zoom. As part of the Science Image Award, Arbury Primary School submitted an entry which received a special mention as a runner-up. Because of this, the children were asked to generate their very own questions which they were able to ask a scientist. The children constructed some wonderful questions and we were all amazed at some of the information shared!


Here are some of the children’s questions:

How many lenses are in microscopes?

How are microscopes built?

What's the most powerful microscope?

What is the biggest/smallest thing you can put under a microscope?

How are microscopes useful for scientists?

How much do microscopes cost?

When did you become a scientist?

What has been your latest experiment?

Have you ever used a microscope to look at DNA?

How long have you been a scientist for?

What is the most interesting thing that you’ve looked at under a microscope?

When was the first microscope made?



Click on the link below to see all of the winning entries, including our Runners- Up entry.