School Council feedback Autumn 2020

27th November 2020
We love to hear what our children have to say. Below are some of the thoughts, reflections and feelings fed back to us via School Council. 
Each class had an opportunity to think about the questions posed below. Teachers talked to the children about the themes that came up. 
As always we are very grateful that our children think so deeply and share so honestly. 
Feedback to School Council from children Autumn  2020
Good things in school at the moment
  • forest school
  • playing with friends
  • eating lunch
  • having toys to play with
  • being kind to each other
  • seeing our teachers 
  • ERR phonics
  • making pictures
  • Golden Time
  • painting
  • chicks in class
  • good manners
  • Pen Of Power
  • school being open
  • drama
  • maths
  • PE
  • reading trophies
  • sausages
  • sports coaches
  • wet floor in the toilet (we discussed how to prevent and therefore solve this!)
  • some children wanting to stay at home with parents
  • the slide going away
  • getting stuck
  • going into lockdown again because we like English and Maths lessons
  • we can't go on trips 
  • we can't run sports clubs after school 
How does it feel being back in school after school was closed for such a long while? 
  • we felt bored at home
  • happy to be back
  • excited but nervous on the first day back
  • good to see friends again, even though some had changed and looked different
  • grateful to see each other
  • learning face to face is best
  • waking up routine tricky to start again
  • it felt like a dream coming back in September
  • it was lonely before we all came back
  • sad to miss home
  • nervous , we needed to be brave
What did you enjoy about learning at home? 
  • I made nature wands
  • I made dinosaur pictures 
  • we could send things to our teachers on e schools
  • virtual trips on e schools
  • older people at home helping with work
  • more comfortable surroundings to work
  • could snack whenever I wanted
  • older siblings helping with work
  • I got to know my family better
  • I could sleep for longer
What did you miss most about school when you are learning at home? 
  • seeing teachers
  • playing with friends
  • reading books together
  • storytime
  • Golden Time
  • ERR
  • learning together
  • school dinners
  • football
  • experiments
  • clubs
  • the field
  • conversations
  • being together
A year 4 child who is a School Council special assistant wrote: 
"To Mrs Rawlins,
These are a couple of ideas of what children might be feeling about coming back to school. They might be feeling: worried because of the differences, excited to see their friends, might not want to go back to school because you could do work in your pjs. 
Here are some emotions of what people might be feeling: scared, worried, nervous, excited, relieved, happy, anxious."