Religion and Worldviews Impact


Each week, to begin their Religion and Worldviews lessons, our children complete recap and recall tasks ensuring that knowledge acquired through earlier learning can be retrieved and becomes sticky knowledge.

Our class work shows how our enquiry-based approach gives real purpose and focus to each topic; each lesson is planned carefully to address an ancillary question and this contributes to the children being able to answer our overarching enquiry question by the end of the unit. Through our carefully planned curriculum, children will be able to make links to previously studied topics and gain knowledge and understanding over time. Our half termly assessments and monitoring allow us to see the impact of our teaching, guide future planning and ensure that our standards of teaching are high.

Assessment is based on the Locally Agreed Syllabus which include two assessment Progression Targets (PT1 and PT2). Progression Target 1 is linked to the knowledge and understanding of religion and worldviews (this covers substantive and disciplinary knowledge). Progress Targets 2 is linked to responding to religion and worldviews (this covers personal knowledge). We have cross-referenced these Progression Targets against the learning objectives from Kapow to ensure that our children are covering the progression statements outlined in the Locally Agreed Syllabus.