History Impact

Our class work shows how our enquiry-based approach gives real purpose and focus to each topic; each lesson is planned carefully to address an ancillary question and this contributes to the children being able to answer our overarching enquiry question by the end of the unit. Our rigorous curriculum map shows a whole school curriculum that has been planned carefully to teach the main historical concepts through a range of contexts in a way that creates links between periods and events. Knowledge Organisers support children and staff to know what the main ‘sticky’ knowledge from the unit should be. Retrieval type activities are planned into each lesson to ensure knowledge from previous learning is constantly reviewed and revisited. Children will be able to make links to previously studied topics and make comparisons. Children will be enthused by their History topics, through engaging and active lessons and enrichment activities which immerse them in the period. Our assessments and monitoring allow us to see the impact of our teaching, guide future planning and ensure that our standards of teaching are high. Staff constantly assess the children using formative assessment methods during lessons and by marking individual work in books. This evidence can then be used to assess the children against outcome statements.