Reading Impact


We rigorously monitor phonics and reading attainment and progress in our school in a variety of ways. Our assessments are used to monitor progress and to quickly identify any child who may need additional support.


In EYFS and Year 1 children’s progress in phonics is continually reviewed through daily informal assessment (what the teacher notices in the daily phonic sessions). Additionally, half termly formal phonic assessments are carried out to identify common gaps in knowledge that may need to be addressed and to identify children who may need extra phonic support. An assessment tracker aligned to ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ is used to help assess children’s attainment and track their progress in phonics. At the end of Year 1 children sit the statutory Phonics Screening Check. Any child not passing the phonic check re-sits it in Year 2. Interventions are put in place to support any children that may be falling behind in phonics.

Children in Year 2 to 6, who need additional support with phonics, are assessed continually and interventions are then implemented as appropriate.

Assessing reading in Year 2 to Year 6

Children are assessed for reading using a variety of methods including formative assessment in lessons and during 1:1 reading sessions, focussed questioning in Whole Class Reading lessons, evidence from the children’s Guided Reading Journals, termly PIRA tests, Accelerated Reader data, Star Reader tests and practice SATS papers in Year 6. Our test data comes from PIRA, SATs and the Star Reader test linked to Accelerated Reader. In addition, evidence from Whole Class Guided Reading sessions is used to formatively assess children in order to identify gaps and adapt subsequent lessons accordingly. 

Our most recent reading data shows that children are achieving above the national average for phonics and reading.

Phonics screening test pass rate 2023: 89.5%

Year 6 SATs results: 81% (National Average 73%)    

Percentage achieving higher standard in reading at end of KS2: 34% (National Average TBC)