Maths Impact


Teachers use assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process and are continuously checking and addressing misconceptions throughout lessons.  Teachers ensure that there are lots of opportunities for children to recall previously learnt material through lesson starters and low-stakes quizzing. Additionally, from year 1 to Year 5 Rising Stars Arithmetic Tests are completed every fortnight. Any common misconceptions or errors are identified and then addressed in a follow up arithmetic lesson the following week. In Year 6, they complete a weekly arithmetic test that is based on the end of Key Stage 2 expectations.

Summative assessments are completed each term from Year 1 to Year 5 using the PUMA resources from Rising Stars. The children have a combination of arithmetic and reasoning type questions based on their learning from that term to complete. The results are used to inform future planning and ensure that any gaps in knowledge or misconceptions are addressed in subsequent lessons and lesson starters.

The Senior Management Team and the Maths Lead regularly monitor the quality and impact of our maths curriculum through Learning Walks, book scrutiny, pupil voice and lesson observations.

Our most recent maths data (2022/23) shows that children are achieving well above the national average in this crucial subject area:

Year 6 SATs results: 92% (National Average 71%)   

Percentage achieving higher standard in maths at end of KS2: 41% (National Average TBC)